






Christmas and almost New Years…whoa

December 30, 2008

I can’t believe it’s about to be 2009..how insane is that? As usual my being busy with everything has forced me to neglect the blog, but honestly you didn’t miss anything interesting. I have been running around like a psycho for the past month or two with the holidays and am just now starting to settle back down into the normal schedule.

I hosted Thanksgiving here this year and it turned out really well! My dad, brother, mother and her husband ,  Ry and I were all there for dinner. I did it all by myself too, so I was proud 😀 I made a garlic herb butter roasted turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberries, green bean casserole and corn bread. I also baked 3 pies from scratch – pumpkin, chocolate peanut butter and banana cream. I was so nervous I was gonna screw up the turkey but it turned out really great! A lot of work but so worth it to have family time and make memories in our house. Ry even complimented me the other day after going to a holiday party at his work where his co-workers brought in dishes to share. He called me afterwards saying it was alright but that he was spoiled by my cooking and baking – that theirs just wasn’t the same. Awww 😀 I love that he loves what I make for him 🙂 🙂

turkey day table setting turkey in oven turkeys done chocolate pb pie thanksgiving desserts

After turkey day comes Christmas which is always hectic. Especially when you have to make sure you visit both families (my family on the 22nd since there was a huge storm on the 21st and then 23rd through 27th in Binghamton). I made my mom, Ry, Ry’s mom and Ry’s dad one of my wool needle felts as gifts, baked my infamous sugar cookies (x10000), sent out xmas cards (all of which got completely lost or damaged, grr), decorated, made taco salad, recorded home videos from vhs to dvd for my dad..oi! It was just insanity. All that on top of my usual work of crafting and website/blog maintenance (8 websites to maintain total! Working from home is great..but the downside is there is no start and finish to the work day – I basically work all day whenever I can squeeze in more maintenance/updates), and wedding planning.

Speaking of wedding planning tomorrow I’ll have been engaged for a year already. Time is flying so fast! I am coming up on the 6 months to the wedding mark and I just know I’m going to start freaking out soon. I have SO much planned that I want to do beforehand. I’m making the invites, programs, menus and favors by hand…I am just this week finalizing our limo for the day. I need to help pick tuxes and find someone for dress alterations. It’s crazy how much is involved in a wedding. You don’t have any idea until you start planning your own and it just blows your mind. We booked our honeymoon probably about a month and a half ago too! We rented a private house right on a private beach in outerbanks North Carolina. I am sooo excited. I’ve never even seen the ocean before! My honeymoon will be my first ocean experience and I get to live right on top of it for a whole week. I’m so going seashell collecting 🙂 I know, dork.

Lastly I guess and least important is I quit WoW about a month ago and have since signed back up with EQ2. I reached 60 on WoW with my druid and honestly was just disappointed with the content. A bit bored. I’m sure I’ll rejoin again in time when I’m not tired of it, but in the meantime I’m playing Everquest 2. My dad got me a laptop for xmas to help me out with working from home and it’s nice enough to also support eq2 for when I need a little break from the websites.

OH! I am also officially obsessed with the Stephenie Meyer Twilight series. Ry got me the first book “Twilight” for my birthday and I finished within a week or so..and he got me the second book “New Moon” for Christmas. I am almost finished with that one already! I am going to need the third book this weekend probably lol. Anyways, if you are looking for a new book to read and vampires intrigue you..you NEED to pick up this series. I’ve had a vampire love/fetish since high school after seeing Interview with a Vampire. Then there was Buffy and Angel…then the recent (but cancelled 🙁 ) Moonlight tv series. Now it’s Twilight..and I’m in love. Mmmn Vamps!

That’s about it for now.. 😡 😡

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